4 Generations of "Tru" Performers and Producers, including:
Painted Tru Tru, 52 APHA Performance
Points, 3 ROMs (Heading, Heeling, Racing), APHA Points (Halter, Steer Stopping), Race Earnings
($1,946), Speed Index 80, APHA World Champion Sire, APHA Congress Champion Sire, APHA Re-
serve World Champion Grandsire, APHA Congress Champion Grandsire; by Tru Tru, Stakes
Winner, Halter Point Earner, Race Earnings ($63,083), Speed Index 96, AQHA Champion Offspring,
Superior Halter Offspring, ROM Performance Offspring; by Truly Truckle, World and Reserve
World Champion Offspring, Superior Halter and Superior Performance Offspring, AQHA
Champion Offspring, Race Get Money-Earners, ROM Performance Offspring.
Grand-Dam Lily Quadrille, 1986 APHA World Champion Breakaway Roping, 1986 APHA World
Champion Goat Tying, 1986 APHA Reserve World Champion Pole Bending, 30 APHA Performance
Points, APHA Points (Barrel Racing and Trail).
Bar Pac, 2 APHA Halter Points, 45 APHA Performance Points, 2 ROMs (Racing, Western
Pleasure), APHA Points (Hunter Under Saddle, Reining), Race Earnings ($6,483), Speed
Index 80; by Pacific Bailey, 1967 AQHA Champion, 24 AQHA Halter Points, Superior Per-
formance (Racing), ROM Performance, Race Earning ($15,073), Speed Index 100, 13 Wins,
World and Reserve World Champion Offspring, Superior Halter and Superior Performance
Offspring, AQHA Champion Offspring, Race Money-Earning Offspring, ROM Performance Off-
spring, Race ROM Offspring; by Gold Pacific, ROM Performance, Race Money-Earner, Speed
Index 95, Race Earnings ($1,011), AQHA Champion Offspring, Superior Halter and Superior
Performance Offspring, ROM Performance Offspring, Race ROM Offspring, Race Money-
Earner Offspring.
King Leo Bar, 27 AQHA Halter Points, 28.5 AQHA Performance Points, Halter Point Earner
Offspring; by Leo Bar, ROM Performance, Race Money -Earner ($2,071), Speed Index 95;
by Three Bars.
Royal Bar, 7 AQHA Halter Points, ROM Performance, Race Money-Earner ($8,717), Speed
Index 95; by Three Bars.